About Us

Long Term Care

When we were 10 years old we had a passion to create change and co-founded our mission called The Odd Sox Project, this is our story….. 

 On many different occasions when we were together we would encounter homeless people living on the streets. This had a huge impact on us and inspired us to want to make a difference. 

Through research and speaking to shelters in the GTA and surrounding area, we found out that one of the most needed items in homeless shelters other than food are socks.

We have always worn mismatched socks and this style is what sparked our idea 

 Knowing that almost every household deals with the dilemma of the ‘missing other sock’, we knew we could make great use of these single socks. We began to collect lightly used single socks, pair them up and donate them. 

This mismatched useless single socks became much needed pairs and continue to warm feet around the globe. 


Carly and Charley  

Dental Exams

The Odd-Sox Project
